28 June 2009

Game over

Well, shit. That sucked.

Don't you hate it when your team is not supposed to win, and then they play like hell and give you hope, and then you think that you will actually win, but then the universe course-corrects and the team that was supposed to win actually does?

That happens a lot to us Aggies, and it happened today with the USA.

Giving up a goal within two minutes after halftime is never good. It was a nice goal, though. And we dodged a bullet with a no-goal that, upon review, should have been one. But damn. Giving up three goals in the second half is never good.

I can't fault Howard or the defence. Our offence couldn't sustain anything in the second 45, and our midfield passes sucked. We seemed to favour passing straight to Brazilian defenders.

In all, though, a highly entertaining game that gives me hope for the World Cup next year.

Great job, boys.

-- Posted From My iPhone


Anonymous said...

cmon guys u know brasil had it eventhough they did not play well in the 1st half and the ref took a goal from them they still won

Ed said...


A) Is a puss for posting anonymously.

B) Clearly didn't read my post.