01 July 2009

Blatter Blabs About South Africa

I wanted to share this little interview with the readers of FGOC. Sepp Blatter, the Swiss president of FIFA, decided to bless us with the following assessment of South Africa's preparation for hosting the 2010 World Cup.

Now, I first heard it as an audio clip so it might not translate well in the printed word - but this school analogy makes absolutely no sense to me.


If you get a five mark you have to repeat class, a six and you go to middle school,' Blatter told a post-Confederations Cup press conference.

'South Africa are definitely in college and on their way to university. They're just missing half a point which they may pick up by the time of the World Cup draw in December.

'I want to give you a ten by the World Cup and then you are in masters.'

What the F does that mean? And somehow, the final grade is a 7.5.

But, there's more...

'So I am satisfied with the way the competition went but there are still challenges which will have to be dealt with in terms of transport and accommodation.

'Next year there will be 450,000 fans for the World Cup and they need to get to and from matches and back to where they are staying. Camps are not really an option as it will be winter here.'

Camps? CAMPS? What on God's green Earth is he talking about?


Ed said...

Wow, I'm confused.

Maybe Blatter means all us non-South Africans will be held in internment camps. Or maybe these are the camps that batshit crazy Michelle Bachmann keeps yapping about.

Terry said...

His grasp of English is second to none :).

There are Camping Tours, and one is being run by the Fagatics here in Australia. For thousands of dollars plus airfares you have the opportunity to stay in a tent on the Cricket Ground in Durban during the WC.

How exciting is that????? They did the same in Germany, but FFS, it is going to be Winter.

Hotels for me.